
10th Class PSEB English Nov Bimonthly Sample Paper Fully Solved




1.(a) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follows:    5×1 = 5
Ulhas Mandlik was a power-loom owner in Maharashtra. One evening he and his mother were going back home . It started raining heavily. So they took shelter under a bridge. There was a well nearby. Some laborers were sitting under the roof of the verandah of a house close to the well.Suddenly, Mandlik and his mother heard the screams of laborer’s. The two went to the well. They were told that a five year old boy named Hariya had fallen in through a side opening. Mandlik knotted together the ropes that he got from the laborer’s. Mandlik then tied the ropes to his waist. He asked the laborer’s to lower him into the well. The ropes were actually weak. Mandlik prayed that the weak ropes must not give away. He grabbed the child who was holding a pipe. On reaching the surface he handed the child to his sobbing father. Several organization’s honored Mandlik for his bravery and presence of mind.

Que1.One evening Mandlik and his mother were going to………….
A.Their home
B. the market
C.the power-loom            
D. Maharashtra
Ans : their home

Que2 .Mandlik and his mother took a shelter under a bridge because:
A.It was raining
B.they were tired
C. they wanted water from the well
D. they stopped to take tes at an under bridge shop
Ans: It was raining

Que3.Why were the Laborers screaming:
 A. Because it was raining heavily
 B. because the rule of the Miranda fell into the well
 C. because they wanted to kill Hariya
 D. a boy of Five had fallen into the well
Ans: a boy of Five had fallen into the well

Que4.After reaching the surface, who received the child from Mother Mandlik?
A.one of the Libra
C. boys father
D. Mandlik’s mother
Ans: boys father

Que5.Several organizations honored Mandlik for his bravery and Presence of Mind what does the word “honored” means
A. Criticized
B. gave respect
C.  Claimed
D. dishonored
Ans: Gave respect

(b) Look at the following poster and answer the questions that follow :      5×1= 5 

Que1.What is seen in the given picture?
A. Market scene
B. flood scene       
C.  platforms Scene
D. bus stand scene
Ans: flood scene

Que2.What are the army men doing in the first picture?
A. Saving the people
B. consoling the flood victims
C. talking to the people
D.waiting for the rescue operation
Ans: Saving the people

Que 3.Where the flood victims are sitting in the first picture?
A. In the boat
B. in the cart
C. in the motor boat
D. on the charis
Ans: in the motor boat

Que4.What are the army men giving to the people in the second picture?
A. clothes to wear
B. food to eat
C. money to spend
D. water to drink
Ans: food to eat

Que5. what are the other army man is doing in the second picture?
A. taking rest
B. supervising the rescue operation
C.looking at the flood victim
D.waiting for the help
Ans: supervising the rescue operation

              (objective type Questions)

2.Answer the following questions                                                                    8×1=8
  the drops were coming from the _______ of the happy Prince   ( The happy Prince)
Ans: Eyes
(ii) Modern drugs have decreased the averages and of life of human beings (true/ false)  (where is science taking us)
(iii) which illustration was used by the professor of psychology?            ( secret of happiness)
 Ans: the burning glass
 (iv) the sign of richness were everywhere in their house (true/ false)        (a gift for Christmas)
 (v) Naeem was in the hospital when the author regained his eyesight (true/ false)    (bed number 29)
 (vi) Subbiah was a rich Merchant  (true/ false)           (half a Rupee worth)
(vii)  Robert lost the money on recess (true/ false)      (One thousand dollar)
(viii)  what was Watson by profession?                         (the dying detective)
 Ans: a doctor

                                English Main course Book

3.(a) Answer any three of the following questions in about 15-20 word each     3×2=6
Que (i) what is really needed in the world today     (where is science taking us)
 Answer: In the world today what is really needed is charity tolerance justice Mercy and fellow feelings
Que(ii)  what is there in the personality of every man     ( the secret of happiness)
Answer:  there is a great reservoir of power in the personality of every man it can make him successful person in the life if he uses it appropriately
Que (iii) why was Della pricing      (A gift for Christmas)
 Answer  Della wanted to buy a nice Christmas gift for her husband Jim but he had not enough money to buy it so she was crying
Que(iv)  how can you distinguish between planets and stars    (the making of the earth)
 Answer : The simple method of distinguishing the stars from planets is to see if they Twinkle or not stars twinkle,planets do not.
Que(v) where was the swallow going   (the happy Prince)
 Answer the swallow was going to Egypt his friends had already gone their six weeks before

(b) Answer any two of the following questions : 1×3=3
Que(i) What does the practice of langur stand for?  Explain  ( some glimpses of ancient Indian)
 Answer: langur is a symbol of love and fellow- feeling. it is a symbol of Brotherhood and equality. it tells us that we should eat only after we have shared our meal with others. by sharing our meals with other, we develop a great feeling of love and brotherhood
Que(ii)  who is responsible for Phatik’s death?   ( the Homecoming)
Answer: it is solely the cruel aunt, who is responsible for Phatik’s death. she was like the boy from the very beginning. he thinks of him as an unnecessary addition to her family. she treats him  all the times. even when the poor boy is critically ill, she calls him a nuisance. we can say that the Heartless which causes the poor boys death

  English Main course Book-Poetry

 4.(a) Answer any two of the following questions after reading the stanza   

      untied unto the world with care
    of public or private breath;
    Who envies can we both rice
    Nor vise you never understood
    How deepest found are given with praise
    Nor rules of state but rules of good

Que(i) Name the poem and its poet?
Answer : Name of the poem is “character of a happy man” and it is sir Henry Morton.
Que(ii) What does a truly happy man not care about? 
Answer he does not care about worldly Fame or people’s opinion
Que(iii)  who does a happy man and envy?
Answer happy man envies nobody.

(b) Answer any one of the following questions:

Que(i) What lesson do you learn from the poem “Death the leveller” ?
Answer: the poem teaches us the lesson that we should not be proud of our birth, current age and position. we should not boast of our achievements and successes. they will fade away with our death. we should do good and just actions. only these action will be remembered after our death.


Que(i) Write a note on the central idea of the poem “character of a happy  Prince”?
Answer: the central idea of this poem is that a truly happy man is that who is intended with what he has. he is the the master of his own will. he prays to God to get his grace. he has full faith in God and honesty. he is far away from evils.

 English Literature  (Supplementary Reader)

5. Answer any three of the following questions in about 25-30 word each:          3×3

Que(i)  how did the author of bed number 29 lose his eyesight?     ( bed number 29)
Answer: one day the author was going on a busy Street. suddenly he was struck by a fast moving vehicle. as a result of this accident, the author lost his eyesight.
Que(ii) How did Subbiah die?                                (Half a Rupee worth)
Answer : Subbiah went to his secret Godown to take out half a cup of rice. while taking out the rice, somewhere full of rice fell on him. he was crushed to death under those bags.
Que(iii) Why was Robert milian not happy with the money given to him? ( one thousand dollar)
Answer: Robert Julian was not happy with the money given to him because it was much less than amount he had expected.
Que(iv) Where did Holmes get illness from? when did he get it?   ( the dying detective)
Answer: home got the illest from some Chinese silver. he got it when he was working on a case at a place near river. but as we know, it was all a made-up story.
Que(v)  how did Hukum managed to put together the money for buying the land? ( how much land does a man need)
Answer: Hukum Sold His colt and one half of his bees. he hired out one of his sons as a liberal and took his wages in advance. he also borrowed some money from his brother in law.

                                        Section-D  (Vocabulary)
6. Do as Directed:
(i) Fill in the blank with suitable word
     she was set free on_______________.(bail/bale)
Ans: bail
(ii) Be Chief Minister is_______________ in his state it. fill in the idiom which means “all powerful”
Ans: all in all
(iii)  Give one word for the following:
       A state where no government exist. 
(iv) Correct the sentence.
       Rahul is my cousin brother.
Ans:  Rahul is my cousin.

                                                Section-D  (Vocabulary)
7. (a) Translate any three of the following sentences from English to Punjabi / Hindi   3×1=3
(i) It is very cold here.
    यहाँ बहुत ठंड है।
(ii) She found it at last.
     उसने इसे आखिरकार पाया।
(iii) He stopped at a shop.
      वह एक दुकान पर रुका।
(iv) Rohan is very weak.
     रोहन बहुत कमजोर है।
(v) Where are you going tomorrow?
     कल आप कहां जा रहे हैं?
(b) Translate any three of the following sentences from Punjabi /Hindi into English    3×1=3
(i) आज बहुत गर्मी है
    it is very hot today
(ii) यह तुम्हें कहां मिला?
     where did you find it?
(iii) सोहन बहुत होशियार है
     sohan is very intelligent
(iv) अंत में मैं बहुत सुरक्षित घर लौट आया
      at last i returned home very safely
(v) अकारण लोगों के साथ अच्छा व्यवहार करें
     be good to people for no reason

8. Do as directed:
(i) Delhi is____________ capital of India. it is_______________ Favourite city.
Ans: the,my
(ii) Fill in the blanks with suitable model:
___________ I come in? ( permission)
Ans: May
(iii) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition:
 Mr Kumar is known____________ me. once we met in a a mall. from there, he took me _______________ his home
Ans: to,to
(iv) Fill in the blanks with correct conjunction:
        he did not come to school___________  he was ill.
(v) Complete the following sentence using the non finite form of the verb given in the bracket.
   ____________is injurious to health(smoke)
Ans: smoking
(vi) Change the tense:
       we play in the ground.
Ans: we are playing in the ground.
(vii) Punctuate the following sentence:
      Raman is a student of dav College Amritsar
Ans: Raman is a student of DAV College Amritsar
(viii) Change the voice:
        I was closing the shop.
   Ans:  the shop was being closed by me.
(ix) Change the narration:
     Father sad,” I am not well today.”
 Ans: Father said that he was not well that day.
(x) Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:
      I need__________ days rest.
Ans: a few 

9. (a) Advertise ‘ TIP TOP BEAUTY PARLOUR’

.You are Rajeev Sharma, head boy of DAV Public School Ludhiana. draught a notice for the house captains to attend a meeting with the Vice Principal for the allocation of duties for maintaining discipline in the school. 

(b) Develop a paragraph of not more than 100 words based on the outline given below      4

A small family is a Happy Family: small family enjoys life………………… food and clothes of their choice………… expenses Limited……………….. enough money……………. e enough time………… enjoy luxury is of life.

Ans: A small family enjoys life to the full. the couple Mein enjoyed the food of their choice. they can wear clothes of their liking. they have only one or two children. so their expenses are limited. they can enjoy life in any way they like. they have enough money to spend on the education and clothes etc of their children. they have a lot of money e time to look after their children. they can work hard and by their own house to live in. they can enjoy luxury is of life. it is rightly said that is small family is a Happy Family.


The scene at an election booth: the election day……….. full of excitement…… it.. my school………. polling centre…….Lavish activity……. Rush of of voters…. Mini buses used to bring candidates from home…….. free drinks offer to voters…… polling officer enquiry the name of voters…. verified identity cards…….. before casting vote, indelible ink mark put on every voters left fore finger…. booth closed at 4 p.m.


27- Gandhi Nagar


May 25, 2018

Dear Mohit

I am fine and hope the same for you. I am writing this letter to persuade you to take part in games.

You have become a book warm. This is not good. Games are also important. Games keep us fit. You must take

part in games. Do not waste time in watching TV and using mobile. I hope you will follow my advice.

Best wishes




Letter of condolence to a friend on the death of his mother.

G-312, Adarsh Colony


May 30, 2018

Dear friend

I got the news of the death of your mother. I met her last week. She was fine then. It is very sad to know about

her death.

She was just 50 years old. She was a very good lady. She was a very good teacher. She was a very good human.

May God bless her soul!

Take care.



10. Marks for the good handwriting.                                                                  5 marks



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