12th Class PSEB EVS Environment Studies Nov-Bimonthly Sample Test Paper 2022


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ਸਰਕਾਰੀ ਨੌਕਰੀਆਂ ਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ

1. Who is the father of Green Revolution in India?       
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru   
(b) MS Swaminathan    
(c) Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam   
(d)  Sundarlal Bahuguna 
Ans.(b) MS Swaminathan

2. What is importance of soil for plants       
(a) It acts as a medium for growth 
(b) It provides nutrients  
(c) It supplies water   
(d) all of these 
Ans.(d) all of these 

3. Crop rotation is beneficial         
(a) To reduce pest- damage 
(b) To improve crop health  
(c) To decrease soil erosion 
(d) All of these 
Ans.(d) All of these 

4. Which of the following is not a plant disease      
(a) Mildew 
(b) Blight  
(c) Smut  
(d) Malaria
Ans.(d) Malaria

5. The practice of growing different crops in the same field alternatively is called 
(a) Inter-cropping    
(b) Mixed Cropping   
(c) Crop Rotation    
(d) Mixed Farming  
Ans. (c) Crop Rotation

(1 x 5 =5) TRUE/FALSE 

6. Eutrophication leads to depletion of oxygen content of water bodies which causes death of aquatic animals .
Ans. (True)
7. Full form of NPK is Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium fertilizer. 
Ans. (True)
8. Bio magnification is characterized by increase in the concentration of harmful Chemicals as it passes from one tropic level to another. true or false .
Ans. (True)
9. Fertilizers are nutrient specific for a particular crop
Ans. (True)
10.  Rivers and Canals are not used for irrigation in India.    (1 x 5 =5) 
Ans. (False)


(Puccinia graminis, irrigation, salinization, Carbon Dioxide, field) 
11. Soil pollution produced due to excessive salts in soil is called ……………….. 
Ans. Salinization
12. Rust of wheat is caused by …………………………
Ans.Puccinia graminis
3.  …………….is the land where plants are cultivated. 
14. Supply of water to plants is called ………………………….. 
15. ………………….. Gas is responsible for Green House Effect.  (1 x 5 =5) 
Ans.Carbon Dioxide


16. What is the meaning of 3R? 
ANS.The 3R Initiative aims to promote the “3Rs” (reduce, reuse and recycle) globally so as to build a sound-material-cycle society through the effective use of resources and materials.

17. What do you understand by Malnutrition? 
Ans.Malnutrition is a serious condition that happens when your diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients. It means “poor nutrition” and can refer to: undernutrition – not getting enough nutrients. overnutrition – getting more nutrients than needed.

18. What is the full form of DDT? 
Ans.Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is an insecticide used in agriculture. The United States banned the use of DDT in 1972. Some countries outside the United States still use DDT to control of mosquitoes that spread malaria

19. Name two fossil fuels. 
Ans.Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels.

20. What is meant by zero population growth?     (1 x 5 =5)

Ans.Zero population growth (ZPG) is the absence of population growth in which equal birth and death rates create a stable human population

Some Important Topic to be corvered:-

For Class –XII
We have learnt that drugs affect all aspects of our lives, including social,mental, emotional, financial etc. Drugs not only destroy our mental health but gives rise to many diseases and health problems. Sometimes it leads to the world of crime. Let us know the ill effects of drugs.

A. Health consequences: S.No.

Name of the Drugs and its types


1 Alcohol Alcohol decreases the response of central nervous system, causes the liver damage and psychotic behavior. It weakens co-ordination and thinking abilities.
2 Opioids (Opium, heroin,morphine, pethidine etc.)
Ill effects of Opioids are constriction of pupils,reduced night vision, irregular blood pressure and heartbeat, fatigue and breathlessness.
3 Cannabis(ganja, bhang, charas)Cannabis makes some people feel confused,sleepy, lethargic, anxious, faint and sick. It affects the memory, making it difficult to remember things
4 Sedative hypnotics (Tranquilizers) Larger doses of Tranquilizers cause slurred speech, memory loss, decreased interpersonal functioning, staggering gait, poor judgment etc.
5 Cocaine It causes high blood pressure, severe mood swings and irritation. Use of cocaine can cause heart attack, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, sleeplessness and anxiety. Larger doses can lead to death.
6 Other stimulants including caffeine (A constituent of tea and coffee Caffeine can cause insomnia, headache,increased anxiety and depression.
7 Hallucinogens (LSD, peyote, magic mushrooms etc.) Use of Hallucinogens causes irreversible brain damage, ruptured blood vessels in the brain,multiple and dramatic behavioral changes.
8 Tobacco It causes asthma, cancer of lungs, mouth,larynx, throat, oesophagus, stomach, urinary bladder, kidneys, pancreas, colon and rectum.Some of the other problems associated with the use of tobacco are coronary artery disease including angina and heart attacks.
9 Volatile solvents (Kerosene, gasoline,paint thinner etc.) Inhaling solvents can cause intoxication which is dangerous to liver, kidneys, heart, and some of these solvents can produce peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage usually affecting the feet and legs) or progressive brain degeneration.
B. Occupational/academic consequences The drug abuser is irregular and inefficient at his job or studies. He may become a dropout or get fired from job or remain unemployed forever. The drug abuser tends to get into trouble by repeatedly impaired relationships with the colleagues, seniors and juniors.

C. Consequence for the family Relationships get strained since the abuser not only fails to contribute meaningfully to the household but also further drains its sources.Ultimately, affecting marital life and psychological development of children.
D. Social consequences The addict ignores the society and society ignores him and gradually there is wide rift between him and the society.
E. Legal and Criminal consequences There are many ways in which the drug abuser can get into legal problems.Some of them are drunken driving, drunken brawls, street fights and other public nuisance, accidents while intoxicated, using illicit drugs, getting involved with drug rackets or peddling etc. So he leads a life in constant fear and uncertainty.

According to THE NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES ACT 1985, it is illegal for a person to produce/manufacture/cultivate, possess, sell, purchase, transport, store, and/or consume any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance.
The punishments under this law is imprisonment of 20 years and fine up to ₹2lakh, depending upon the quantity of the drugs contravened OFFENCES AND PENATIES
Offence: Cultivation of opium, cannabis or coca plants without license
Sections: Opium – 18 (c), Cannabis -20, Coca-16
Penalty: Rigorous imprisonment- up to 10 years + Fine up to Rs. 1 Lakh
Offence: Embezzlement of opium by licensed farmer
Sections: 19
Penalty: Rigorous imprisonment- 10 to 20 years +Fine up to Rs. 1 to 2 Lakhs
(Regardless of quantity)
Offence: Production, manufacture, possession, sale, purchase,transport, import-export (Inter-state), use of drugs
Sections: Opium-18, Prepared opium-17, Cannabis-20, Manufactured drugs or their preparations-21
Penalty: Small quantity- Rigorous imprisonment up to 6 month or fine up to Rs. 10,000 or both.
More than small quantity but less than commercial quantity- Rigorous Imprisonment up to 10 years+ fine up to Rs. 1 Lakh
Commercial quantity- Rigorous imprisonment- 10 to 20 years+ fine RS. 1 to 2 Lakhs.
Offence: Import, export or transshipment of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
Section: 23
Penalty: Same as above
Offence: External dealing in NDPS-ie engaging in or controlling trade whereby drugs are obtained from outside India and supplied to a person outside India.
Section: 24
Penalty: Rigorous Imprisonment-10 to 20 years+ Fine of Rs. 1 to 2 Lakhs(Regardless of quantity)
Offence: Knowingly allowing one’s premises to be used for committing an offence.
Sections: Same as for the offence
Penalty: Same
Offence: Violations pertaining to controlled substances (Precursors)
Section: 25A
Penalty: Rigorous Imprisonment up to 10 years + fine Rs. 1 to 2 lakhs .
Offence: Financing traffic and harboring offenders
Section: 27A
Penalty: Rigorous Imprisonment 10 to 20 years + fine Rs. 1 to 2 lakhs.
Offence: Attempts, abetment and criminal conspiracy
Section: Attempts-28, Abetment and criminal Conspiracy-29
Penalty: Same as for the offence
Offence: Preparation to commit an offence
Section: 30
Penalty: Half the punishment for the offence
Offence: Repeat offence
Section: 31, Death 31A
Penalty: One and half times the punishment for the offence. Death penalty in some cases.
Offence: Consumption of drugs
Section: 27, Immunity-64
Penalty: Cocaine, morphine, heroin- Rigorous Imprisonment up to 1 year or fine up to Rs. 20,000 or both Other drugs- Imprisonment up to 6 months to fine up to Rs. 10,000 or both Addicts volunteering for treatment enjoy immunity from prosecution
Offence: Punishment for violations not elsewhere specified
Section: 32
Penalty: Imprisonment up to six months or fine or both “Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respectand everything that goes along with your self-esteem.” ― Kurt Cobain

ਸਰਕਾਰੀ ਨੌਕਰੀਆਂ ਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ

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