7th Class PSEB English Final Model/Sample Test Paper 2023 Fully Solved

Model Test Paper
Subject- English
Class VII (2022-23)
Time : 3hrs
M.M.: 80 Marks
Section A
( Reading Skills) (15 Marks)
Q1. Read the passage and answer the question that follow. (5 X1=5 Marks)
Trees are useful to man in three very important ways: they provide him wood and other products, they give him shade and they help to prevent droughts and floods. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world,man has not realized that the services of the trees are the most important. In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers. Only to find that with them he has lost the best faced friend he had. The people in the villages must be persuaded to stop cutting trees for fuel and for selling it to city people. Unless the Government has a good system to control it or people don’t realize it, the forests will slowly disappear.
(i) Trees are useful to man because _
a) they provide wood and shade
b) they provide floods
c) they provide air
d) they provide drought
Ans.a) they provide wood and shade
(ii) The villagers cut trees for _
a) fruits
b) flowers
c) fuel
d) floods
Ans.c) fuel

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(iii) What will happen if the Government does not check the cutting of trees?
a) forests will give us fruits
b ) forests will grow fast
c) forests will dry
d ) forests will disappear
Ans.d ) forests will disappear

(iv) Trees provide man with____________
a) wood and other products
b) polluted air
c) beautiful things
d) money
Ans.a) wood and other products
(v) Which of the following statements is true?
a) Man has made friends with city people
b) Trees bring flood
c) Man has cut down trees in large numbers
d) Trees are useless
Ans.c) Man has cut down trees in large numbers


Q.2 Read the poster carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Q(1). We should show care and compassion for ____________ .
a. animals
b. birds
c. nature
d. all of the above
Ans.d. all of the above

Q(2). We must value our _____________
a. family
b. relationship
c. both a and b
d. none of the above
Ans.c. both a and b
Q(3). What is the synonym of ‘praise ‘?
a. respect
b. cruel
c. rude
d. Honour
Ans.d. honour


ਸਰਕਾਰੀ ਨੌਕਰੀਆਂ ਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ

Q(4). What is the antonym of ‘courtesy ‘?
a. sadness
b. rudeness
c. shyness
d. Politeness
Ans.b. rudeness
Q(5). To resolve conflicts we should __ others.
a. forgive
b. bully
c. cheat
d. Abuse
Ans.a. Forgive


Q3. Read the following conversation and answer the questions that follow. (5X1= 5 Marks)
Mother: When did the prize distribution function start?
Tarun: The prize distribution function started at 2 P.M.
Mother: Who presided over the function?
Tarun: The Deputy Commissioner presided over the function
Mother: Where was he received?
Tarun: He was received at the gate.
Mother: Who sang a welcome song?
Tarun: Some students sang a welcome song.
Mother: Was the hall full?
Tarun: Yes, the hall was full.
Mother: What did the principal do first?
Tarun: At first, the principal read the annual report.
Mother: Who gave away the prizes?
Tarun: The Deputy Commissioner gave away the prizes.

(i) When did the prize distribution function start?
a) at 11.00 A.M.
b) at 2.00 P.M.
c) at 4.00 P.M.
d) at 5.00 P.M.
Ans.b) at 2.00 P.M.


(ii) Who presided over the function?
a) Deputy Commissioner
b) Chief Minister
c) Principal
d) Students
Ans.a) Deputy Commissioner
(iii) Who sang a welcome song?
a) teachers
b) girls
c) boys
d) some students
Ans.d) some students

(iv) What did the principal do first?
a) had tea
b) read the annual report
c) sang National Anthem
d) distributed prizes
Ans. b) read the annual report
(iv) Who gave away the prizes?
a) students
b) principal
c) nobody
d) deputy Commissioner
Ans.d) deputy Commissioner


Section B ( Literature and vocabulary)
Q4. Answer any three of the following questions. (3X2=6 Marks)
I) Why did the farmer buy the well ? ( Rent for Water )
Ans:The farmer bought the well to water his fields.

ii) How much money did Akbar agree to give to the brahmin ? ( Birbal’s Khichdi)
Ans:Akbar agreed to give two thousand gold coins to the brahmin.(www.thepunjabiclass.com)
iii ) When did the first Indian climb the Everest ? ( Mountaineers )
Ans.In May 20, 1965 Captain Avtar Singh Cheema was the first Indian to climb Mount Everest.
iv) Who was Ivan ? ( The Princess Who Never Smiled)
Ans.Ivan was a poor boy who worked for a farmer.(www.thepunjabiclass.com)
v ) Why did Sagar feel scared in the forest ? ( A Treasure Hunt)
Ans.Sagar felt scared because the forest was dense and dark.

Q5. Give meanings of the following words in Punjabi/ Hindi ( Any three) (3×1=3 Marks)
i). Pleaded ii) Passenger iii) Frozen. iv). Attention. v). Achievement. vi). Climber
1.Pleaded ਬੇਨਤੀ ਕੀਤੀ
2.Passenger ਯਾਤਰੀ
3.Frozen ਜੰਮੇ ਹੋਏ
4.Attention ਧਿਆਨ
5.Achievement ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤੀ
6.Climber ਚੜ੍ਹਨਾ
Q6. Fill in the blanks by choosing words given below. ( 3×1=3 Marks)
( thirsty , buck, truly )
i) Birbal was ……….wise.
ii) The boy was hungry and …………
iii) The hunter found a …………
Ans. i.truly


Q7. Make sentences on the following words. (any three). (3X1=3 Marks)
i) Journey ii) c iii) achievement iv) dawn v) hungry vi) forest
1.Journey-They went on a long train journey across India
2.struggle-She struggled to lift the package by herself, but it was too heavy
3.achievement-It was a great achievement.
4.Dawn- They waited for the day to dawn
5.hungry- I am hungry because I did not eat lunch
6.forest- You can see many animals in this forest
Q8. Choose the correct options for the following questions. (2×1=2 Marks)
i) The little boy was ……..by other boys.
a) popular
b) liked
c) disliked
d) none of these
Ans.c) disliked
ii) The highest point on the planet is……
a) Kanchenjunga
b) Mount Everest
c) Kilimanjaro
d) K2
Ans.b) Mount Everest


Q9. Answer any two of the following questions after reading the stanza . (2X2=4 Marks)
He gathered some nuts and fed the deer
And he felt the deer’s lack of fear
He smiled a great big smile
He stayed with the deer for a while
And he went home feeling great.
i) Name the poem and its poet ?
Ans.The name of the poem is ‘The hunter and the Deer’. Its poet is anonymous
ii) What did the hunter do with the deer?
Ans.The hunter gathered some nuts and fed the buck.(www.thepunjabiclass.com)
iii) How much time did hunter stay with the deer ?
Ans.The hunter stayed with the deer for a while.
iv ) Why did he smile a big smile ?
Ans.He smiled a big smile to see the buck without fear.(www.thepunjabiclass.com)

Q10. Answer any two of the following questions . (2X2= 4 Marks)
i) What places do the trains go to ? ( Trains)
Ans.The trains go to over the mountains, plains and rivers.
ii) What do they carry ? ( Trains )
Ans.They carry passengers, goods and precious loads.(www.thepunjabiclass.com)
iii) What did the hunter want to eat ? ( The Hunter and the Deer)
Ans.The hunter wanted to eat some deer meat.
iv ) Why did the hunter not kill the buck ?(The Hunter and the Deer)
Ans.The hunter did not kill the buck because he saw a plea of mercy in his eyes. He begged for his life.(www.thepunjabiclass.com)

Section C ( Grammar and composition) (40 Marks)
Q11. Do as directed:-. (12 Marks)
i) New York is a big city.
The word in underline letters is a……….
a) noun
b) adjective
c) adverb
d) verb
Ans.b) adjective

ii) Fill in the blank with suitable adverb.
Samir went ………. to the hostel.
a) soft
b) polite
c) happily
d) rude
Ans.c) happily
iii) Fill the blank with suitable conjunction.
a) You will get the award……….you deserve it.
a) but
b) yet
c) if
d) that
Ans.c) if

iv) Use suitable prefix to the word given in the bracket.
I……..(like) him for his rude behaviour.
a) dis
b) de
c) anti
d) auto
Ans.a) dis

v) Which type of noun is the underlined word.
Ram is my best friend.
a) Common noun
b) Proper noun
c) Abstract noun
d) Collective noun
Ans.b) Proper noun

vi) Identity the type of sentence.
She is not a clever geirl.
a) Imperative sentence b) Interrogative sentence c) Negative sentence d) Exclamatory
Ans. c) Negative sentence
vii) Fill in the blank with present continuous tense.
My father ……………T.V. now.
a) is watching
b) have watched
c) was watching
d) watched
Ans.a) is watching

viii) Fill up suitable article.
That is ………interesting toy.
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) none of these
Ans.b) an
ix) Use suitable degree of adjective.
The elephant has the…………. trunk.
a) long
b) longer
c) longest
d) large
Ans.b) longer


x) Fill in the blank with suitable determiner.
I bought…………..apples from this shop.
a) a few
b) few
c ) little
d) a little
Ans.b) few
xi) Insert suitable pronoun.
Can I help ……………
a) she
b) he
c) me
d) you
Ans.d) you

xii) Fill the blank with suitable preposition.
The book is …… the table.
a) of
b) on
c) to
d) off
Ans.b) on

Q12. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him/her to grant you sick leave for three days. ( 5 Marks)
Write a letter to your friend Vinod inviting him to your birthday party.

Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him/her to grant you sick leave for three days.
The Headmaster
Govt. High School
June 15, 20……..
I have been ill since yesterday. The doctor has advised me complete rest. So I cannot attend the school.
Kindly grant me leave for four days. I shall be highly thankful to you for this.
Yours obediently
Balwinder Singh


Write a letter to your friend Vinod inviting him to your birthday party.
Ramsingh Colony
……….. City
April 26, 20 ……..
My dear Manoj
You will be glad to know that my birthday falls on March 20. I am planning to celebrate it at home. There will be a programme of dance and music. A dinner will also be served. All our friends are coming. (www.thepunjabiclass.com)

I hope you will also join us. I am sure you will enjoy yourself.
Yours sincerely
Partap Thakur

Q13. You are the PTI of your school. Write a notice asking the students to enrol for free yoga classes. (3 Marks)
You were to attend the marriage of your friend but you suddenly fell ill that night. Send your friend an S.M.S. informing your friend about your disability to reach and giving him congratulations and expressing your good wishes for the wedding couple.

You are the PTI of your school. Write a notice asking the students to enrol for free yoga classes.
Free Yoga Classes
20 March 20 ……
All students interested in attending free yoga classes from 10th April every. morning from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. should contact the undersigned before 7th April.

Harpal Singh Cheema

You were to attend the marriage of your friend but you suddenly fell ill that night. Send your friend an S.M.S. informing your friend about your disability to reach and giving him congratulations and expressing your good wishes for the wedding couple.
Dear Gurpal
Congratulations on the wedding of your elder brother. Please pardon my absence as I am unable to attend the marriage ceremony because of sudden illness. I had got my briefcase ready to take a bus, but I was forced it lie in bed. Let me convey my hearty wishes for the happy life of the wedding couple.
Harmeet Singh


Q14. Write a paragraph on ‘ A Journey by Bus’ (4 Marks)
Write a story ‘ The Greedy Dog’

A Journey by Bus
Last Sunday, I went to Delhi by bus. I went to the bus stand and bought a ticket. A bus bound for Delhi was standing there. I got in and took the front seat. The conductor gave a whistle and the bus started. ‘We were soon out of the city. (www.thepunjabiclass.com)The driver drove very fast. But he was very good at his job. We felt quite safe. He left many buses behind. I saw farmers working in their fields. Here and there, I saw carts going on the road. The conductor was a jolly fellow. He made the journey pleasant by his witty talk. The bus reached Delhi at 6 p.m. It was a very pleasant journ

The Greedy Dog
Once there was a dog. He was very greedy. He was hungry and roaming here and there in search of food. After a very long time, he reached a butcher’s shop. Finding no man there he picked up a bone with meat on it and came out of the shop.
He thought to enjoy the meat himself so he wanted to go to some solitary place. He went to a riverbank. But this lace too did not seem to be safe to him. So he thought to go to the other side of the river. He went up to the bridge.(www.thepunjabiclass.com)
While he was crossing the bridge he saw his own reflection in the placid water of the stream. He feared that the other dog might reach there. He wanted to be alone. In order to escape the other dog, he barked. As he opened his mouth the bone fell into the water. He felt very sad to lose this bone and repented badly afterward. In his attempt to get the whole piece he lost what he had.
Moral: Be content with what you have.

Q15 Translate these sentences from English to Punjabi (any three)) ( 3X1=3 Marks)
i) Keep silence –
Ans. ਚ ੁੱ ਪ ਰਹੋ।/ चुप रहो।
ii) Anju is driving a car.
Ans. ਅੰਜੂ ਕਾਰ ਚਲਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ।/ अजां ूक र चल रही है।
iii) I did not tell a lie.
Ans. ਮੈਂ ਝੂਠ ਨਹੀਂ ਬੋਲਲਆ।/ मेंनेझठू नहीां बोल ।
iv) I went to school.
Ans.ਮੈਂ ਸਕੂਲ ਲਗਆ।/ में स्कूल गय ।

v) The peon rings the bell.
Ans.ਚਪੜਾਸੀ ਘੰਟੀ ਵਜਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ।/चपड सी घांटी बज त है।
vi) You should take exercise daily.
Ans.ਤਹਾਨੂੰ ਰੋਜਾਨਾ ਕਸਰਤ ਕਰਨੀ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ।/ आप को रोज़ कसरत करनी च हहए।

Q16. Translate these sentences from Punjabi to English.(any three) (3X1=3 Marks)
i) ਮੈਂਗਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦੀ ।/ मेंग नहीां सकती।
Ans.I can’t sing.
ii ) ਕੀ ਤ ਸੀਂ ਸਕੂਲ ਜਾਂਦੇਹੋ?/ क्य आप स्कूल ज तेहो?
Ans.Do you go to school ?
iii ) ਕੀ ਰਾਮ ਲਰਸ਼ੀ ਦੀ ਮਦਦ ਕਰ ਲਰਹਾ ਹੈ?/ क्य र म ऋषि की सह यत कर रह है?
Ans.Is Ram helping Rishi ?(www.thepunjabiclass.com)
iv ) ਤ ਸੀਂ ਭੋਜਨ ਖਾਧਾ।/ आपनेख न ख य ?
Ans.You ate food.
v ) ਮੈਕੁੱ ਲਹਪਾਠ ਯਾਦ ਕੀਤਾ। / मेंनेकल प ठ य द ककय ।
Ans.I learnt the lesson yesterday.
vi ) ਬੁੱ ਚੇਖੇਡਦੇਹਨ।/ बच्चेखेलतेहैं।
Ans.The children are playing.

Q17. Marks for good handwriting. ( 10 Marks)

ਸਰਕਾਰੀ ਨੌਕਰੀਆਂ ਦੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ

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